Pathway Zen hosts weekly meditation and mindfulness practice groups in Brisbane. Our purpose is to offer a structured program that integrates and personalises Zen, as a practice-path in daily life.
Our purpose...
The goal of Pathway Zen is to guide anyone who is serious about the discovery of their true-nature and the cultivation of Zen, as a practice-path in their life. This is facilitated through a systematic program that includes introduction to Zen courses, daily online meditation (zazen), weekly in-person practice opportunities, monthly daylong meditation zazenkais, residential retreats and koan introspection. All activities are grounded in both Soto and Rinzai Zen practices within a lay householder lineage.
As a secular and non-profit practice community, everyone is welcome irrespective of their tradition, religious affiliation or none. Please feel free to come along to one of our regular events in Spring Hill or feel free to participate via Zoom online. Our Samford venue is still closed due to Covid restrictions. Newcomers are encouraged to participate in an introduction to Zen session, which is held concurrently in a separate room to our regular practice group on Thursday evenings in Spring Hill. A comprehensive introduction to Zen course is also offered in-person or online on an ongoing basis. Recordings can be viewed here
Pathway Zen is guided by Arno Hess, an Australian and Brisbane based Dharma and Zen Buddhist teacher, certified both in Australia and through the Sanbozen lineage in Kamakura Japan.
Community engagement:
Inside Mindfulness - Prison project
Pathway Zen is a founding member of Inside Mindfulness Inc., which facilitates weekly mindfulness based rehabilitation programs in Queensland correctional centres. We currently teach multiple mindfulness and emotional intelligence courses in 6 prisons in South East Queensland. Volunteer facilitators are always welcome to participate. For more information please contact Arno Hess.
Carbon Footprint
Pathway Zen is a carbon neutral organisation. We are committed to a continued strategy to maintain carbon neutrality through identifying, reducing and offsetting our carbon emissions.
Universal Zoom Link
To join Pathway Zen on Zoom please use this one link for all of our events: To join click here
Upcoming Events and News:
Every morning and evening - Sunrise & Moonlight Zazen.
Please feel free to join our Zoom-Zendo for Sunrise & Moonlight Zazen.
Sunrise Zazen:
Daily, 5am to 8am (Brisbane Time). Please enter the Zoom-Zendo anytime you are able and visit for as long as you wish. There will be no talking or bell ringing as this is strictly a silent group practice for those able to come. To join click here
Moonlight Zazen:
8:00 PM to 8:30 PM (Brisbane time). This is a silent meditation event. Please mute your microphone on arrival.
Our universal Zoom link also joins the Thursday in-person Spring Hill event and our Zenkais and Sesshins. (retreats). To join click here
Thursday in-person meditation (Zazen) in Spring Hill and via Zoom.
Please feel free to join us every Thursday evening for Zazen. 7:00pm to 8:30 pm at 355 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill. Newcomers to Zen will be given a basic introduction to Zen on arrival in a separate room. Please arrive no later than 6:55pm.
We recommend that newcomers also view the Introductory Zen lectures as posted here.
Thursday program & Zoom link: View more
Next Zenkai (daylong retreat) Spring Hill
Every third Sunday of the month
The next daylong retreat will be held in our Spring Hill venue, 355 Wickham Terrace as well as online via Zoom, February 16th. Please arrive at 9:15 AM for a 9:30 AM start. All welcome.
Newcomers will be given instructions and if requested, two introductory lectures on Zen on arrival.
Online retreat & Zoom link. View more
Next Dharma talk.
Every last Thursday of the month.
Our regular monthly dharma talk will be presented during the evening (8:00 PM) in lieu of the third meditation period, followed by Q&A. All welcome. This talk is also available to Zoom participants. To log-in, please click on the Thursday evening Zoom link:
Next Residential Sesshin (Silent Retreats)
May 18-25, 2025 (7-day sesshin) Brisbane
Aug 31 - Sept 7, 2025 (7-day sesshin) Vancouver
October 16-19, 2025 (3-day sesshin) Brisbane
Introductory Zen Lectures:
Spring Hill:
Introductory Zen lectures 1 & 2 are now offered in-person, coinciding with our Zenkai daylong retreat at Spring Hill. They are offered in a separate room during the morning and afternoon session. This ensures that participants are also able to experience a few meditation practices with the sangha.
The Introductory Zen lectures can now be viewed online. The lectures can be viewed here